Exquisita mezcla de yerba mate y frutos rojos como arándano, frambuesa, cereza y fresa con un toque de rosa mosqueta natural. Su aroma dulce resalta las notas de cereza confitada. Aunque su olor es muy dulce, en boca no lo es e incluso se puede saborear un toque de acidez probablemente debido a la rosa mosqueta. La rosa mosqueta aporta un sabor muy agradable y favorece el maridaje con delicias dulces como el chocolate.
Exquisite mix of yerba mate and berries such as blueberry, raspberry, cherry and strawberry with a notice of natural rosehip. Its sweet aroma highlights the notes of cherry confit. Even though its smell is very sweet, on the palate is not so and it can even be tasted a hint of sourness probably due to the rosehip. The rosehip provides a very pleasant flavor and favors the marriage with sweet delights such as chocolate.
500g // 1.1lbs
Courtesy of: https://www.cbse.com.ar