Cachamate Amarilla es una tradición de Cachamai y combina el exquisito sabor y aroma de la yerba mate con una equilibrada mezcla de hierbas funcionales estimulantes y antioxidantes que favorecen la digestion.
Composicion: Yerba mate, pennyroyal, lipia integrifolia (Incayuyo), chamomile, fennel, coriander and mint.
Cachamate Yellow is a Cachamai tradition and combines the exquisite flavor and aroma of yerba mate with a balanced mix of stimulating functional herbs and antioxidants that promote digestion.
Composition:Yerba mate, poleo, lipia integrifolia (Incayuyo), manzanilla, hinojo, cilantro y menta.
500g // 1.1 lbs
Disclaimer: Pictures do not reflect accurate product expiration dates. All products are fresh and up to code
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